Exapro exports french used machines towards the whole World

Released on = January 18, 2006, 6:44 am

Press Release Author = Thomas Bordier

Industry = Industrial

Press Release Summary = Exapro s.a.r.l., has been publishing two Web marketplaces
(www.exapro.com and www.texapro.com) for 5 years, helping professionals of the
Industry to buy and sell all their used equipments. With more than 35 000 unique
visitors and 150 000 pages viewed each month, these websites are now recognised by
the professionals as the solution for their need of second hand machinery. Exapro,
it is 3000 offers of machines regularly updated.

Press Release Body = Exapro has witnessed a true export sale explosion of used
machinery during the year 2005. Half of the sales have had for origin France towards
Europe (22%), Asia (17%) or Africa (4%). The Central and Eastern Europe is the new
privileged target for its sales force. It is there that it makes most of its best
sales. The entry of some of these countries in the E.U. greatly facilitates
collaboration with these promising markets. The opening of a local branch is being
studied. Many major partnerships have been settled with local actors.

International request ratio for second-hand industrial machines is fast growing and
proves that the www.exapro.com marketplace is not only internationaly viable but it
is growing globally. The two portals Exapro (general Industry) and Texapro (textile)
have been partially translated in spanish, and czech. It will soon be available in
german (january 2006). The International team speaks seven languages which brings an
added value to all its customers.

In conclusion, the Exapro's objectives for 2006 are now to reach 65% of export sales
as well as growing from the European marketplace it actually is to a worldwide

Web Site = http://www.exapro.com

Contact Details = Exapro sarl
2 avenue de la Cristallerie
92316 S�vres
Tel: +33(08)70 40 57 46

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